A textured wallpaper is a perfect way to add texture to your space and with our on trend collection of neutral colours and stylish designs, they really are a way of bringing elegance into your home. Don't forget to refine your results by using the filters at the top of the page. You can filter for colours such as grey, cream, green, blue, pink, purple and even silver. If there's a particular brand you like, you can also refine this too!
Looking for a wallpaper that will really make a statement in your home? Consider textured wallpaper. This type of wallpaper can be used to create feature wall or as wallpaper on all walls in a room, and it can add more style and visual interest to your space.
Wallpaper is a popular wall covering for both homes and businesses. It can add depth and interest to a room, and if it is a light colour, it can also reflect light to make the space appear larger. It comes in a wide variety of colours, designs, and textures, so there is sure to be one that fits your style. If you are looking for something unique, textured wallpaper is a great option. It can add dimension and visual interest to any space. There are many different types of textures available, from raised patterns to simulated fabric or wood grain. Be sure to take into consideration the size of the space when choosing a texture. A large print or busy pattern may be overwhelming in a small space, but can be stunning in a larger room.
A busy wallpaper may not be the best choice for a minimalist space, but can be perfect in a more traditional setting. Have fun exploring all the different options and find the perfect wallpaper to make your space truly your own. If you like lots of patterns, we would suggest browsing our Patterned Wallpaper page.
Be sure to use our Wallpaper Roll Calculator before ordering.